Author Archives: Nicksmith

Winter’s Margin

Shades of the prison houseexist within the shadowslurk at the peripheriesof winter’s margin. Our birth is but a sleepand a forgetting – what?The light, from which we camestill burns within. Cold bites, the penniless poetsstrike a matchburn incense, cup wax candles in star-jarsdraw closer in. Your hands recall the sculptor’s artof Michelangeloand I know all […]

Winter’s Margin

W3 # 37- Dreams

Sarah’s prompt guidelines Write a poem: ➰➰➰ The waking hours are taken up by practical thoughts The conversations we have the task we are entrusted with The mind is too busy assimilating what to do and what to say It’s the nighttime when the mind is free to wander in the ether Desires and wishes, […]

W3 # 37- Dreams

Poem by Gabriela Marie Milton – Literary Revelations: Hidden in Childhood – Call for Submission

Poem by Gabriela Marie Milton I call into being the taste of that which is hidden below the existence. The breath of a salty ocean on my skin. Everything is here between primal and the infinity of possibilities: the epistemes of love; the essence of beauty; the whispers of a language you cannot understand. You […]

Poem by Gabriela Marie Milton – Literary Revelations: Hidden in Childhood – Call for Submission

I Think of You Often, but Even More Now

An audio lamentation Photo by Tess WB on Unsplash I Think of You Often, but Even More Now I think of you often, but even more now, and maybe it’s becauseit’s Autumn — the season when I’mat my loneliest.I hate the term, “deceased.”I am still trying on the best wayto tell people about you in the past tense. How can […]

I Think of You Often, but Even More Now